From: Alice Taylor
Home of Family That Threatened to Jump From Terrace will not be destroyed for now

The Gjata family who said they would throw themselves from the terrace of their home if the Municipality tried to demolish it without giving compensation or somewhere else to live, have reached an agreement with authorities.

The local Urban Inspectorate has decided it won’t proceed with demolition until the family is compensated for its value and finds somewhere else to live.

Inspectors say that money has been transferred to their account but that the family has not yet found somewhere to live.

One family member said that they are unhappy with the compensation given as it does not reflect the real value of the property. He said that the Municipality categorised the first floor of the building as a residential property when actually it is business property. There is a significant difference in value between the two.

Their home and other nearby properties are set to be destroyed to make way for road reconstruction in the Vasil Shanto part of Tirana.