From: Alice Taylor
HPP Construction Company Claims to Restore Biodiversity to Valbona Valley

Dragobia Energy/Genr2 the company that is constructing a widely-contested hydropower plant in the Dragobi area of the Valbona Valley National Park, claimed they have restored the biodiversity in the area that they have been working in.

They also presented a 70-page document to the AKZM which provided in-depth details and plans on how they would return the area to a similar level of biodiversity. This included planting trees that would flourish there, a number of maps, illustrations, and technical drawings that showed how much work would be put into the process.

WhatsApp Image 2021 03 11 at 8.37.09 AM

Images sent to Exit by Toka show that some saplings have been planted in what appears to be gravel, flanked by concrete walls. You can see in the background of the image, what the original ‘biodiversity’ looks like.

Here is an aerial view of the region, prior to the HPP construction taking place.

WhatsApp Image 2021 03 11 at 11.12.49 AM

The images were taken in July 2020 but a local resident who lives near the area confirmed to Exit that nothing has developed in the interim months and now it’s covered with snow.