President-Elect Ilir Meta has made it clear that he will use his function as President, which he will take up on after July 24, against main parties PS and PD, if the June 25 elections are not consensually accepted.
I warn that anyone who tries to put his hand on the vote of the citizens will not be decreed as prime minister or minister.
No one who touches the elections should hope to be decreed prime minister or minister. I’m not speaking of not decreeing the vote of the citizens but of stolen elections.
No one should have the idea to touch the vote because not in his worst dream he has seen his worst end. This is not the word of Lulzim Basha in his political greenhouse, but the word of Ilir Meta.
The declaration of President-Elect Meta comes after a morning meeting with PDIU leader Shpëtim Idrizi. During the meeting Idrizi and Meta decided on an agreement to protect the votes during the June 25 elections.
Thus Meta seems to continue to perform his functions as de facto leader of the LSI, despite the fact that Petrit Vasili took over at the moment that Meta was nominated President-Elect, in order to guarantee the position of the LSI in the political landscape.