High Justice Inspector to Be Elected Soon

With the scheduled vetting of Marsida Xhaferllari by the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) on March 4, the installation of the High Justice Inspector (ILD) is finally coming in sight.

The other candidate for the ILD, Artur Malaj, passed the vetting on July 31, 2018. According to the Constitution, the ILD should have been established 6 months after the Constitutional amendments were ratified in 2016.

According to the Governance Institutions Law 115/2016, the High Justice Inspector “is the state authority responsible for the verification of complaints, investigation of disciplinary misconducts and initiation of disciplinary proceedings against judges and prosecutors of all levels, members of the High Judicial Council, members of the High Prosecutorial Council and the Prosecutor General, as well as for the institutional inspection of courts and prosecution offices.”

The absence of the ILD was recently highlighted by the refusal of the High Prosecutorial Council (KLP) to treat a complaint by the opposition against Temporary General Prosecutor Arta Marku.

Besides the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecution Office (SPAK) and the National Investigation Bureau (BKH), the ILD is the final new institution of the justice reform waiting to be established.