Justice Appointments Council Opens Applications for High Justice Inspector

The Justice Appointments Council (KED) has opened the application procedure for 5 High Justice Inspectors.

The High Justice Inspectorate (ILD) is one of the new judiciary institutions that are the result of the justice reform. According to the Governance Institutions Law 115/2016, the High Justice Inspector “is the state authority responsible for the verification of complaints, investigation of disciplinary misconducts and initiation of disciplinary proceedings against judges and prosecutors of all levels, members of the High Judicial Council, members of the High Prosecutorial Council and the Prosecutor General, as well as for the institutional inspection of courts and prosecution offices.”

Recently, the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) scheduled the hearing of Marsida Xhaferllari, the second candidate for the head of the ILD to be vetted. The first candidate, Arben Malaj, was successfully vetted last year.

The decision of the KED to open the application procedure is questionable, as it has no quorum of 5 fully vetted members.