The vetting commission in Albania dismissed two prosecutors and confirmed one in office during this week.
On Wednesday, The Qualification Commission (KPK) dismissed Prosecutor Genci Qana of the Tirana District Prosecutor’s Office. It found a lack of legal resources for his assets, and raised doubts about several cases investigated by the prosecutor.
Also on Wednesday, the Special Appel Chamber (KPA) upheld the vetting commission’s decision of November 2019 to dismiss Serious Crimes Prosecutor Përparim Kulluri.
On Thursday, the KPK confirmed in office Tirana Prosecutor Elisabeta Imeraj. She successfully passed the three components of the vetting process: assessments of assets, background, and proficiency. In a previous hearing last week, international observer Theo Jacobs raised serious doubts on Imeraj’s background, which she rebutted. She was later appointed head of the Tirana Prosecutor’s Office for a 3-year term.