KLP Postpones Approval of Candidate List for General Prosecutor

The High Prosecutorial Council (KLP) has postponed approving the candidate list for General Prosecutor. The KLP had scheduled a discussion today to approve the candidate list and move on to the evaluation of the four current candidates: Arta Marku, Olsian Çela, Fatjona Memçaj, and Lulzim Alushaj.

However, this decision was postponed because the Public Commissioner failed to inform the KLP about its decision whether to appeal the confirmation of Olsian Çela at the Special Appeal Court or not. Prosecutors Marku and Memçaj already received a final verdict from the vetting commissions.

Of the four candidates, three will be sent to Parliament, which will elect one to replace the Temporary General Prosecutor Arta Marku.

The KLP has postponed its decision to Wednesday.