From: Exit Staff
Kosovo Opposition Leader Calls for International Pressure on Serbia to Prosecute War Criminals

Leader of Vetevendosje Albin Kurti has called on the international community to pressure Serbia into prosecuting war criminals who committed genocide in Kosovo.

“I call on the international community to increase the pressure on the Serbian government to abandon its aggressive policies towards Kosovo, and to bring justice by condemning those responsible politically and militarily for this genocide. This would be the real foundation for a stable, secure and peaceful European Balkans. Those who stand on mass graves while denying them cannot be trusted,” Kurti stated on the International Day of Remembrance and Honor of the Victims of Genocide Crimes.

The leader of the largest political party in Kosovo said they will resume attempts to sue Serbia in international courts for the genocide exerted in Kosovo during the 1998-1999 period as soon as they come back to power.

“The memory and dignity of the victims of the crimes and genocide goes beyond anniversaries. It begins by acknowledging and accepting what has happened. By taking action to address the past,” Kurti noted.

The families of more the 1,600 missing persons in Kosovo also asked for international pressure on Serbia on the same day. 

Serbian forces killed more than 12 thousand people in Kosovo during the war, more than 1,300 of whom were children. They orchestrated more than 100 massacres, and raped more than 20,000 girls and women. Additionally, about half of the population, over one million Albanians were expelled from their country.