From: Exit News
Kosovo Primier Cancels Trip to Washington following Indictment against President

Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti will not attend a meeting with senior Serbian officials in Washington scheduled for June 27.

Through a Facebook post , Hoti clarified that due to new developments in Pristina with the indictment filed by the Special Prosecution against President Thaçi and PDK chairman Veseli, he has decided to return to Pristina.

“Due to the new developments in Pristina as a result of the accusations submitted by the Office of the Specialized Prosecutor, I have to return to Pristina to deal with the situation.

I informed Ambassador Grenell that he could not attend the June 27 meeting at the White House. “

A day earlier, on June 24, President Hashim Thaçi and PDK leader Kadri Veseli, along with others, were indicted for crimes against humanity and war crimes by Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office.