From: Exit News
Kosovo’s Prime Minister Receives Death Threat

Kosovo’s Acting Prime Minister Albin Kurti and his family received a death threat from a group calling itself “The Albanian Voluntary Guard”.

Kurti published a letter by the group, in which he personally and his Self-Determination Party (LVV) are threatened not to protest on May 29, when the Constitutional Court is expected to publish a ruling on the political and constitutional crisis in Kosovo.

The Constitutional Court will decide whether President Hashim Thaci’s decision to sidestep Kurti’s party, the election winner, and mandate the second largest party to form a government is in line with the Constitution.

The group said they were informed that people in the LVV are planning a protest on the day on the expected decision. They warned leaders of the party, which they called “a criminal organization”, that they won’t stand looking but will take action all over the country.

“Albin Kurti and all LVV leaders who help organize this protest now have a reason to worry about their security and that of their families,” the statement reads.

The group also threatened all people who support LVV protests.

In his reaction, Kurti stated that this is actually an attempt by “the old regime who knows it’s hopeless” to threaten the Constitutional Court members – not him or LVV -, particularly its Chair Arta Rama-Hajrizi and Judge Nexhmi Rexhepi who will deliver the case report.

Guard Albin Kurti death threat
The death threat published by Acting Prime Minister Albin Kurti