From: Die Morina van Uijtregt
Kosovo’s Vetevendosje Plans Five Women Out of Fifteen Ministers

Vetevendosje Movement which won the snap parliamentary elections in Kosovo with 50.28%, plans five out of fifteen ministries of its government to be led by women.

This was confirmed on Thursday by the former Deputy Speaker of Parliament from Vetevendosje, Arberie Nagavci told Euronews Albania.

She also said that the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and the deputy head of Vetevendosje, Glauk Konjufca will be elected as the Speaker of Parliament.

Vetevendosje which will be represented by 58 MPs needs only three more votes for a simple majority in parliament, required for the voting in of the governmental cabinet let by its leader Albin Kurti.

Nagavci added that Vetevendosje already has the numbers for the voting in of the government, following the support of the elected MPs representing the non-Serb communities in Kosovo.

The constitutive parliamentary session is scheduled for March 22. It will be led by the oldest elected MP which will be assisted by the youngest one in Parliament.

Vetevendosje is followed by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) with 19 MPs, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) with 15 MPs, and Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) with 8 MPs.

Kosovo Parliament reserves 20 out of 120 seats for minorities: 10 for Serbs, 4 for Romani, Ashkali, and Egyptians, 3 for Bosniaks, 2 for Turks, and 1 seat for Gorans.