From: Exit Staff
Lawyer of Emiliano Shullazi Receives Threats

The defence lawyer of Emiliano Shullazi, has reported threats against him to the police.

Lawyer Vladamir Mece said he received messages telling him to give up the case because it’s too late for Shullazi. He reported the threats to the police directly.

Mece has been Shullazi’s lawyer since 2016.

The threats allegedly came via WhatsApp, reading “Give up before it’s too late.

In 2018, Emiliano Shullazi, Blerim Shullazi, Gilmand Dani, Endrit Qyqja and Endrit Zela were sentenced to 55 years in prison –  14 years only for Emiliano Shullazi  – on charges of being involved in a structured criminal group, destruction of property with explosives, taking property under threat and violence to businessmen Ylvi Beqja, Jani Zaka and Adriatik Kërcuku.

The case has been appealed and since January 2019 the group remains in custody. The process has been continuously postponed for about 41 sessions. Earlier in September 2019, for lack of evidence, the prosecution withdrew from money laundering charges.

Under Albanian law, there is no limit to how many times a case can be postponed. There is however a time limit of one year in place, after which a decision must be made by the judge. This time is not counted during periods where the case is suspended for legal reasons or postponed due to the request of involved parties.