LDK Leader Osmani Announces Coalition with Vetëvendosje

In a Facebook post, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vjosa Osmani, has announced that her party, which came second in the recent general elections, intends to form a government with Lëvizja Vetëvendosje (LVV), the party led by Albin Kurti. LVV and LDK are expected to be able to command a majority of seats in Parliament.

Osmani declared:

The citizens […] determined the new government, which needs to consist of the former opposition. For me there is no other alternative. The coalition of LDK and LVV faces many challenges, but should have only a single interest: that of the citizens of Kosovo.

Yesterday, LVV member Arbër Zaimi already suggested on Ora News that a coalition with LDK would be a logical choice:

For more than a year we have discussed with the LDK with the aim to form a pre-electoral coalition. We have come closer to a great extent as regards several positions and so far we have not encountered any opposition, and I don’t think there will be in the future. The discussions for a coalition start precisely with the discussion of a program and standpoints on delicate subjects.