LSI Picks Up Prenga’s Seat in Parliament

In a press release, the Central Election Commission (KQZ) has today officially announced that the parliamentary seat of former Socialist Party deputy Armando Prenga will pass on to a deputy of the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI), Petrit Gjoni.

On February 27, Prenga gave up his mandate “for personal reasons” after the the KQZ had refused the request of the General Prosecution to dismiss him for violating the decriminalization law.

On March 15, the final candidate on the list of the PS in the County of Lezha, Kastriot Piroli, withdrew his claim to the mandate, equally for “personal reasons.” Like Prenga, Piroli would in any case not passed the conditions of the decriminalization law, as he had previous convictions and was still under probation.

The decision of the KQZ will change the balance in the majority government of the PS and LSI.