From: Exit Staff
Medical Staff to Receive Influenza Vaccine Starting Today

From Wednesday, September 30, Albanian doctors and nurses will be vaccinated for influenza, for free, by the state.

The news was made public by the Minister of Health Ogerta Manastirliu, during an interview for journalist Eni Vasili.

“Tomorrow the vaccination of doctors and nurses starts, the vaccination will be according to an IPH calendar, the vaccines have arrived in the country,” said the minister.

Doctors and nurses are the first group to be vaccinated with the flu vaccine. Earlier, the Minister announced that citizens suffering from chronic diseases, teachers, educators, the elderly, and children 2-5 years old will also be vaccinated.

As Exit has reported, the government is way behind in starting the vaccinations for influenza which should have been a key part of their COVID-19 strategy. The European Commission and leading health organisations have recommended that governments start inoculations as early as possible, even during the late summer months to ensure protection is given.