In 2021, discrimination against women, Roma and other minorities as well as LGBT community members and vulnerable categories was at high levels, while attacks by the authorities and pro-government media on journalists and NGOs were registered, Amnesty International said in its latest annual report on the state of human rights around the world.
The report says that last year the process of calling persons responsible for war crimes to account in Serbia was negligible, while the police abused their power with impunity.
Amnesty also said that the authorities and pro-government media were still vilifying NGOs and the independent media and that in August, when the authorities stepped up this campaign, as many as 70 NGOs and independent media outlets requested help from the Ministry of Human Rights.
Amnesty also noted that 30 women were killed in Serbia last year, of whom 20 were victims of domestic violence.
The report also mentions several cases of sexual abuse by senior officials, education workers and public figures, some of which were investigated, but that none of them wound up in court.