EU High Representative of the Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn released a statement this evening on the elections, stating that they “will engage with the new government to support the reform process and proceed on the EU integration process.”
Albania’s parliamentary elections on 25 June took place in a calm and orderly manner. Citizens benefited from a broad political offer at an important stage of Albania’s EU integration process.
According to the preliminary conclusions of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission, the electoral contestants were able to campaign freely and fundamental freedoms of assembly and expression were respected. The electoral framework generally provided an adequate basis for the conduct of democratic elections.
We take note of the reserves expressed by observers regarding the politicisation of electoral bodies and the inconsistent application of the law. We expect appropriate follow up to the preliminary findings of the Election Observation Mission will be ensured, notably regarding allegations of vote-buying and pressure on voters as well as interference by unauthorised party activists, which can undermine public confidence in elections.
Once the electoral process has been completed, we will engage with the new government to support the reform process and proceed on the EU integration process. The continuation of the justice reform and the fight against drug trafficking and cultivation will be of particular importance in this respect.
We also look forward to continuing our partnership with Albania to promote regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations.