From: Alice Elizabeth Taylor
Montenegro and Kosovo Remain Untouched by Coronavirus as Other’s go into Crisis Mode

There have been four new cases of Coronavirus identified in North Macedonia, bringing the total to 13.

Health Minister Venko Filipce made the announcement today and declared that a state of crisis was being declared in Debar and Zhupa where most of the affected individuals are from. Out of those infected, four came from Debar, one of whom is in a serious condition and is relying on a ventilation machine to breathe.

In Greece, there are some 117 cases of the virus confirmed and yesterday the first patient succumbed to the disease. A 66-year-old man died, but two were also released from hospital after being cured. 

Anyone who has entered Albania from Greece (and Italy) in the last 14 days is required to place themselves in self-quarantine for 14 days from the date of entry, else risk a EUR 5000 fine.

Montenegro appears to have been spared from the virus so far, but the government has put in place a number of measures to prevent its spread. All schools and educational institutions have been closed and public gatherings of any kind have been banned.

As of yesterday, 47 people had been tested in the Western Balkan country, yet none were found to be positive.

Kosovo has also managed to remain unaffected so far by the spread of the disease with zero cases recorded at the time of writing.

Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Latvia have all declared a state of emergency with most banning public gatherings and closing schools and public venues.

Italy, the most affected country after China has recorded 15,113 cases of the virus with 1016 deaths and 1258 recoveries. Some 1153 are considered critical with 11,686 suffering from mild symptoms.