From: Exit Staff
Moroccan Migrant Claims Albanian Police Tortured and Beat Him

A Moroccan immigrant who was detained by Albanian police after being caught in the country illegally has claimed he was beaten and tortured while in custody.

Elmedi Nouak told the media that he was assaulted by police in Durrës after being arrested. He said he was put in isolation, left naked for five days and wasn’t given food for seven. Nouak also stated that the police took his phone and prevented him from contacting any family members.

He was found waiting outside the Police directorate, following his release. The man appears to have two black eyes, serious bruising on the face, and other signs of violence across his body.

“I stayed five days naked and seven without eating. Then three policemen took me with the car and left me in an area about 20km away [from here]. I thought they would take me to Rinas to extradite me but they didn’t. I went onto the street and hitchhiked and was then brought to the hospital where I stayed for three days. I left the hospital because I want my phone. I haven’t spoken to my parents or children since Ramadan….the police beat me like this,” he told reporters.

It’s reported he has since been able to make a report to the police about his mistreatment.

The number of migrants traveling through Albania has increased over the last year. Working with organized groups of smugglers that include Albanians, Kurdish, Greeks and smugglers from the Middle East, they pay between EUR 100 and EUR 1000 to travel through the country. Some are apprehended by the police while many go undetected.

To read Exit’s interview with people smugglers, click here.