From: Exit News
MP Hajdari: Majority and Opposition Not Interested in Changing Electoral System

MP Rudina Hajdari stressed once again today the need to change the country’s electoral system, as the only way to bring an end to the bargains between the government and the opposition at the expense of citizens.

In today’s parliamentary hearing, Hajdari said that, within the current electoral system, representatives do not serve citizens, but criminals and traffickers who sponsor their political careers. 

Hajdari is the representative of the parliamentary opposition in the Electoral Reform Political Committee and has been proposing changes to the electoral system for some time now. She proposed opening up electoral MP candidate shortlists, so that representatives will be picked by voters, instead of party leaders.

Hajdari has accused the Socialist majority and the out-of-parliament opposition of being uninterested in changing the electoral system. She warned that the electoral reform drafted by the Political Committee will constitute exclusively superficial changes to the system.