MP Vokshi: PM Rama Will Profit €250 Million from Demolition of National Theater

Yesterday, the parliament approved via an expedited process the inclusion of the new National Theater draft law in its calendar. With 74 votes in favor and 46 against, the parliament passed the law that predicts the demolition of the National Theater building and the transferral of the public land into the ownership of the private company Fusha shpk.

The head of the Parliamentary Committee on Art, Media, and Education, Albana Vokshi, came out against this decision. MP Vokshi called for a reaction from every citizen, warning that “tomorrow, Edi Rama may come for your homes and your property.”

“Prime Minister Edi Rama is not interested in achieving Albania’s integration into the EU, or the opening of accession negotiations. What he cares about is the mind-boggling profits that this corruptive affair will bring: at least €250 million will go right into the Prime Minister’s pockets” Vokshi said.

She also addressed the Chairman of the Parliament, Gramoz Ruçi, as well as Socialist MP, Pandeli Majko: “Mr. Ruçi, by approving this law, you are betraying the artists you promised to support. Mr. Majko, you have been opposing the demolition of the National Theater for 12 years. Stand against this criminal, corrupt, and unconstitutional law!”