From: Exit News
North Macedonia Opens Borders but Tourists Are Limited to Five Hours of Transit Only

As of today, North Macedonia will open its land borders for the first time since the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski said that borders are open but measures and requirements remain in force. Anyone wishing to enter the country must present the results of a COVID-19 test, no more than 72 hours old and it must be negative. They will then be required to self-isolate for 14 days. Those presenting a positive test will be taken to the state quarantine facility.

Foreign tourists are allowed to visit the country for transit purposes and only for a maximum of five hours. The following border crossing points are now open for this purpose: Tabanovce, Deve Bair, Bogorodica, Kjafasan, Blace and the Border Crossing Point at Skopje Airport. They are not allowed to deviate from their designated route or overstay the time limit. The only stops they are allowed to make while in the country are for refuelling purposes.

Those leaving the country must have permission to enter the other country. Once they have left, they may not be able to return. 

To date, there have been 201 deaths from the virus in the country and 4,289 infected.