ONM Appeals Confirmation of High Court Judge Zaganjori

The International Monitoring Operation (ONM) has appealed through the Public Commissioner the decision of the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) to confirm High Court judge Xhezair Zaganjori on July 24.

During the hearing, the KPK found inaccuracies in Zaganjori’s asset declaration, with different sums mentioned as the value of an apartment in Tirana and issues with his tax payments to the state.

Zaganjori declared that he owned one apartment in Tirana bought in 2001. In one of his declarations he claims it was bought for 5.8 million lekë, while in another its stated value is 7 million. Furthermore, the administrative investigation of the KPK shows that his declaration were insufficient and that he had avoided paying taxes on the apartment.

Also for a shop that Zaganjori claimed to have bought for 1 million lekë, it turned out its actual price was 500,000 lekë.

The Special Appeals Chamber (KPA) has not yet announced when the hearing of the Zaganjori appeal is scheduled.