From: Exit News
Opposition Files Criminal Report against Minister of Health over Expired Face Mask Supply

The Democratic Party (PD) has filed a report with the the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecution Office (SPAK) asking for investigations into Minister of Health Ogerta Manastirliu over the issue of expired masks in hospitals. PD Secretary General Gazment Bardhi filed the request today.

Yesterday, the Democratic Party accused Manastirliu of supplying hospitals with 1.2 million expired face masks, thus endangering the health of medical professionals.

PD received several tips from doctors regarding the masks. After checking the supply, the opposition claimed the expiration date on the masks was December 2011.

Prime Minister Edi Rama admitted that masks were expired but explained that they were not distributed to medical staff dealing with coronavirus, were not paid with taxpayers’s money and are not dangerous. The face masks arrived from Canada as aid for an organisation in Albania, which could not pay custom duties. The government took possession of the cargo and distributed it to hospitals, according to Rama.