Opposition Leader Basha Removed from Parliament

Speaker of Parliament Gramoz Ruçi has today removed opposition leader Lulzim Basha from the parliamentary session because of inappropriate behavior and obstructing the Parliament’s work.

PD deputies and Basha had blocked the parliamentary pulpit after the majority voted to postpone the discussion on an issue proposed by the opposition: the composition of the Electoral Reform Committee.

In his speech, Basha accused Speaker of Parliament Gramoz Ruçi several times for trying to shut up the opposition:

This type of Parliament is going lower day after day. Today you have on the agenda the most important issue, that of the elections.

You [Gramoz Ruçi] call for a vote here to shut up the opposition, but this will never happen. Call together the conference of parliamentary leaders now and decide on a reasonable date for the debate. The debate cannot be postponed for a week. The request of the opposition is conform the regulations. This Parliament is not the property of the majority or of you.

After the request of Basha, Speaker Ruçi interrupted the parliamentary session several times with 5-minute breaks, but it seems that the interruptions didn’t suffice to cool down the spirits. Ruçi subsequently decided to remove Basha from the entire session.

Ruçi stressed removal from the parliamentary session is accompanied by monetary sanctions. The daily wages for the deputy who has been removed will be withheld.