From: Exit Staff
Opposition Leader Rules Out Coalition with Socialist Party after 25 April Elections

The leader of the Democratic Party Lulzim Basha has ruled out a coalition government with Prime Minister Edi Rama and the Socialist Party after the April 25 elections.

In an interview with Syri TV, Basha said that the departure of Rama is a precondition for change in Albania and that a coalition government between them is a “ridiculous idea”.

“It is me, the PD, and the united opposition who have faced this government from day one, who burned our mandates, who made every sacrifice and effort to remove this man, and we will not form a coalition with an illegitimate government that has produced only failures and has an allegiance with organized crime. That is beyond ridiculous,” he said.

He said that in seven years of power, the government has not brought any progress for the country, or kept any promises.

In terms of a coalition with LSI, Basha didn’t clarify whether they will run on the same list or separately come 25 April. He said that the opposition will “maximise its vote”.

“The opposition will be united in the elections…The opposition will maximise its vote with all its partners, with LSI and othe allies…Lists are technicalities and we will not allow the majority of Albanians who want change to be deprived of a vote.”

In 2019, the opposition including PD and LSI resigned their mandates en masse from parliament. This plunged the country into a political crisis and gave the ruling Socialists the ability to pass laws with little contest.