The seemingly sudden agreement of Albanian opposition and majority to collaborate on electoral reform was warmly greeted by representatives of OSCE, EU and US in Albania.
The OSCE Presence in Albania wrote on Twitter:
“The OSCE Presence in Albania welcomes today’s political agreement on electoral reform. We consider it a first important step towards a full and timely electoral reform that will address all outstanding OSCE/ODIHR recommendations for the benefit of all Albanian citizens. The Presence stands ready to further contribute to the electoral reform process according to its mandate.”
EU Ambassador Luigi Soreca wrote on Twitter:
“We welcome today’s cross-party agreement on the way forward on an inclusive electoral reform, in line with OSCE/ODIHR recommendations. It is an important achievement for restoring Albania’s political stability and in the context of Albania’s EU integration process. We trust all parties will continue working together to conclude a timely electoral reform to be adopted by the Parliament, for the benefit of Albanian citizens and their European future.”
The US Embassy wrote on Facebook:
“We applaud the parties for agreeing to work together on electoral reform, an important step toward addressing ODIHR recommendations thoroughly. Reform will bolster effective, credible electoral processes and strengthen Albanian democracy. We hope the parties will continue moving forward in the current spirit of cooperation to ensure Albanian elections are free from fraud, interference, and corruption.”