From: Exit Staff
OSCE: “No Comment” on Disciplinary Measures against Ambassador Borchardt

In response to questions of Exit, the OSCE Presence in Tirana has stated it does “not comment” on any “internal processes” related to the “standards of behaviour” of OSCE officials.

Exit had asked the OSCE about its opinion concerning the obscene gesture of Ambassador Bernd Borchardt, for which he publicly apologized yesterday, and whether any disciplinary measures would be taken. In its response, the OSCE stated:

The OSCE has high standards of behaviour it expects all of its officials to abide by

These standards of behaviour are enforced through robust internal processes which are employed where information comes to light in relation to any alleged breach of the behavioural standards

These processes are an internal management matter which are conducted fairly, transparently and without prejudice to any outcome

We therefore do not comment publicly on any specific process that may arise

The OSCE did not comment on whether the failure to publicly condemn Borchardt’s actions set a bad precedent for Albania’s presidency of the OSCE next year, or on Socialist MP Taulant Balla’s claim that “in every case the Ambassadors express the position of the organisations or countries they represent.”