OSCE: We’ll Monitor the Elections, No Comment on the Political Situation

The OSCE-ODIHR Election Monitoring Mission has arrived in Albania, led by Peter Taylor. The mission, which will monitor the parliamentary elections of June 18, was publicly presented today.

In a press conference, Taylor explained that the OSCE will only monitor the electoral process, and not the campaigns or promises of the political parties.

We know that this process is being contested by several political parties, but our duty is transparency. We aim to be open with the media but no media should aim to receive any comments related to what has been declared by those parties.

Just like in 2013, the OSCE will publish a report with findings and recommendations. None of the 2013 recommendations were implemented by the current government.

Recently, OSCE Ambassador Bernd Borchardt had come under attack of the opposition, after he allegedly stated in a meeting with smaller opposition parties that the opposition boycott of the elections would only result in just “one sentence” in the final report.