Exit Mission Statement

Our Mission

Exit News is an online media platform that provides news, analysis, reporting, and commentary on Albania, the Western Balkans and beyond. With a commitment to independence, accuracy, and honest reporting, we pride ourselves on digging deeper and telling the stories that others do not wish to cover. We work hard towards being the leading source of up-to-date information on the region and providing the news in English and Albanian.

We have no editorial line and our writers and contributors are free to write about whatever they choose, as long as it meets the principles of ethical journalism and is factually correct and of public interest. We do not spread gossip, we fact check everything, and we write with ethics and a desire for the truth as our motivation. We believe in media freedom, freedom of expression, human rights, and the right for citizens to have access to information that impacts their lives. It is our obligation as a media platform to facilitate all of these things, both in Albania, and abroad.

As journalists and as a media platform we ensure we are trustworthy, reliable, practice good governance, self-regulation, and constant engagement with the public.