As of today, anyone needing to leave the house is required to obtain permission from the government to do so.
For foreigners residing in Albania, the process is as follows:
- Write a text message as follows: F *insert passport number here* *insert time you wish to go out*
For example: F 1234567 0900
It is important to do it in exactly this format, ensuring there is a space between F, the passport number and the time you wish to go out. You also need to be sure that the time is in the 24-hour-clock format.
- Send the message to 55155
- You will receive an automated message that explains you must wait for confirmation.
- You will receive confirmation any time up to 24 hours later.
- Foreigners have reported that the approval message can come as soon as one hour and as late as 20 hours.
- You need to send the text message the day before you wish to go out and it is valid for a timeframe of one hour from the time you stated on the request.
These permits are required for all pedestrians and do not apply to those wishing to drive. Those wishing to drive, need to contact the police to request permission.
The permit system also does not apply to those that need to move to go to work. You do not need a permit to go to work as a pedestrian.