Prime Minister Edi Rama dedicated his Facebook monologue of the week to the pre-election agreement with opposition leader Lulzim Basha. According to the Prime Minister this agreement will put an end to the political crises in the country and help Albania on the road toward EU integration.
The agreement […], the engagement of the parties includes the engagement in the elections as part of the further engagement of the majority and the opposition the come out of the elections of June 25 to be together on the road toward opening the negotiations for EU membership. […] The agreement determines the mutual duty of the parties as the will to institutionalize the dialogue between government and opposition, without waiting on our foreign friends and partners to make attempts for months on end to get us at the same table.
Prime Minister Rama also rejected the claim that the rejection of pre-electoral coalitions would be damaging to the smaller parties:
[Small parties], with all due respect, can be anything, but not a guarantee of democracy and justice, because they’ve never been and cannot be such because of their weight, not only Albania but anywhere.
He also promised that since May 12 the government will spend no money that has not been part of the budget, in order to avoid influencing or “buying” the elections. Previously Exit had shown that public procurement expenses had risen considerably in recent months.