From: Exit Staff
PM Rama Slams Opposition Reaction to Earthquake Aftermath

Prime Minister Edi Rama has slammed the opposition’s reaction to the earthquake after praising their initial expressed solidarity. In a government meeting on Saturday, Rama said it was a “total lack of responsibility” by opposition leader Lulzim Basha not to seat in talks with him.

 “I once again kindly welcome their restraint during the difficult times for people. [The opposition] tried not to be an added burden with their rough vocabulary of daily politics. “

Rama said the “opposition has been almost non-existent” in doing their job, except for Basha’s appearances with the victims. He added that Basha has shown a “total lack of responsibility” for not seating in talks with him.

“I can’t help but regret the repeated and absurd refusal to sit down in talks with the people and for the people.”

The prime minister claimed the opposition has now started with their “usual boring lies, fairy tales, defamation, accuses and half-truths” against the government.