Popullar Alliance Supports PAA Complaint at Electoral College

The Popular Alliance (AP), a small government-affiliated party with no seats in Parliament, has decided to support the Environmental Agrarian Party (PAA) and filed a separate complaint at the Electoral College about the allegedly illegal registrations of candidate lists on April 29.

On May 10, the PAA had filed a complaint to the Electoral College stating that the Central Election Commission had violated the Electoral Code by allowing the registration of political partys’ candidate lists on April 29. The PAA claimed that the phrase “no later than 50 days before the elections,” which determined the legal deadline for the registration of candidate lists, does not include election day itself, which means that all lists provided to the KQZ after April 28, 23:59 would be invalid.

In response, KQZ Chair Denar Biba had claimed that the PAA’s complaint was invalid, as the party would not be an “electoral subject” and had failed to hand a candidate list. The AP however provided a candidate list and therefore has possibly a better standing in terms of its complaint.

AP leader Artur Dojaka stated:

We are an electoral subject and our request needs to be considered. The law states clearly that we have the right to file a complaint about the violation that the KQZ has made according to us. I want to emphasize that we are part of the left-wing coalition [there is no left-wing electoral coalition – Exit], but this doesn’t mean that we cannot [sic] agree that the law is violated and that we allow that. Through this complaint we request the constitutionality to be respected and to give a chance to the opposition parties not to be deprived of their right.