From: Alice Taylor
Prime Minister, Opposition, and President Exchange Words Over COVID-19 Management

President Ilir Meta and the Democratic Party have both accused the Albanian government of not having a COVID-19 strategy.

The PD has said there is no plan in place and the healthcare system is collapsing. They claimed that patients are being treated in ambulances and that supposed COVID hospitals are just for show and are not properly equipped.

They also questioned why people are not being tested for the virus when they need to be, and that some are dying before they get the results. They also asked how many rapid tests have been purchased, what the procedure is for how they are given, and when they will start to be used.

The Opposition also claimed that health personnel are understaffed, overworked and that there are significant shortages of equipment. They asked why regional hospitals haven’t been opened so as to lessen the burden on Tirana.

Meta said that the lack of government strategy has led to “increasing numbers of infected people each day, the loss of life, and the health system suffering at the risk of collapse with very serious consequences for people.

The head of state urged the government to increase the number of tests and to increase contact tracing. He called for an increase in staff, budget locations to help them, and the involvement of the family doctor in managing cases.

Meta also asked that those being treated at home be reimbursed for the medication they are purchasing.

Rama responded by using profanity, saying that infections and deaths are increasing everywhere and noting that Albania’s death rate is still low. He said it’s not the government’s fault numbers are increasing.