Prime Minister Rama to Meet President Trump

Prime Minister Edi Rama will be meeting President Donald Trump during this week at the 74th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

His Facebook announcement did not clarify whether he was going to meet with President Trump on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, or when he will be taken a picture with the US President and his wife at the traditional reception hosted by them for the heads of delegations.

Rama headed to New York today, after he had cancelled his departure on Saturday due to an earthquake hitting Albania. The Prime Minister returned home from Germany, and held an emergency cabinet meeting at midnight on Saturday. He ordered urgent measures to be taken in identifying all damages and providing shelter to those that were left unable to return home, as well as for all Socialist Party MPs to visit people affected by the quake.

Today he announced that the situation was under control and that he was flying to New York to meet with President Trump and other leaders.

“An ordinary day starts for Albania today, like any other day, that’s why I decided to restart my New York work visit, where I will meet the US President and other country and government leaders and important figures, as well as holding a speech on behalf of Albania at the United Nations,” Rama wrote on Facebook.

PM Rama briefly met President Trump on the sidelines of a NATO summit last year.

President Trump and PM Rama on the sidelines on a NATO summit in 2018