The Albanian Minister of Health Ogerta Manastirliu said that private cars will be able to move without authorisation after 11 May.
Manastirliu made the comments following a direct question posed to her on TV show “Opinion” last night.
She stated that after 11 May, drivers will no longer need to apply for authorisation to move in green areas, but this is likely to be extended throughout the country. Green areas are government-designated low-risk areas of the country that have less stringent lockdown measures.
In terms of public transport, there is no official date but the minister said it “is being evaluated to be opened in the last phase.”
From 18 May, the number of repatriations will increase but there is still no word on when the borders will reopen.
“We cannot give a date for reopening the borders, but we will increase the number of repatriations from 18 May,” she said.
Regarding religious activities, Manastirliu said that they are still being evaluated. Her ministry received criticism yesterday for singling out religious gatherings as the sole example of gatherings that should be avoided due to the risk of spreading COVID-19.
Social distancing, hand washing and other recommended measures such as mask-wearing will remain in place.