From: Exit Staff
Protests Called Against Serbian President Visit to Albania

Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha has called a protest against Serbia’s President Alexander Vuçiç visit to Albania. The protest is expected to take place on Monday around 4 pm in front of the building of Albania’s Prime Minister’s office.

“The young Slobodan, Miloshevic’s Gebels, shall be received as he deserves it, with protests,” stated Berisha, referring to the fact that Vuçiç was Milosevic’s Minister of Information during the Serbia’s ethnic cleansing operations in Kosovo in late 1990s.

Vuçiç and the outgoing Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev will be in Tirana for a meeting of the Open Balkans initiative hosted by Albanian prime Minister Edi Rama. The initiative started by the three leaders has been shunned by the three other Western Balkans countries Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.