Public Commissioner Demands Dismissal of Prosecutor Who Closed Investigation Into Minister Gjiknuri

Following the reinstatement of Astrit Faqolli, the Public Commissioner has appealed the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) ruling that reinstated Tirana prosecutor Antoneta Sevdari.

Antoneta Sevdari passed the vetting on July 18, and is competing for a seat in the High Prosecutorial Council (KLP).

However, according to the Public Commissioner, the KPK ruling for Sevdari was based on incomplete evidence and an insufficient investigation.

Per the Public Commissioner’s announcement:

As the Public Commissioner sees it, in this case, the investigation carried out by KPK is not comprehensive. Consequently, the facts and evidence that came out of this administrative investigation are not sufficient to support KPK’s ruling to reconfirm the subject of the reassessment.

Antoneta Sevdari is also known as the prosecutor who, in 2015, closed the investigation into Minister Damian Gjiknuri and State Attorney Alma Hiçka, who stood accused by the State Supreme Audit Institution (KLSh) of abusing their office during a settlement between the Albanian government and the Czech company CEZ.

Earlier, Public Commissioners have also appealed the KPK rulings that reinstated Constitutional judge Bashkim Dedja, judge Alma Brati, judge Edmond Islamaj, and judge Astrit Faqolli.