Yesterday, during a lecture at the Aleksandër Xhuvani University in Elbasan, Prime Minister Edi Rama has called upon the opposition to come to Parliament to vote on the new vetting institutions envisioned by the judicial reform. He stated that justice has been captured by criminal judges and prosecutors.
In our judicial system there are no doubt capable people. But those are completely powerless and asphyxiated because criminals have the power in the justice system. I don’t know how to call a judge or a prosecutor who works in the name of the Constitution and protects criminals otherwise. […] It is time for the opposition to show that it is not a shield of the courts occupied by criminals.
Rama also declared that the vetting would once and for all get rid of corrupted magistrates.
The opposition has boycotted Parliament for as long as the protest on the boulevard in front of the Prime Ministry continues. Opposition leader Basha has stated that he will vote the vetting laws once a technical government has been installed.