Prime Minister Edi Rama stated that his and the Socialist Party’s role in the justice reform has been secondary, and has consisted of purely supporting the internationals who drafted it.
In yesterday’s press conference, Rama claimed he hadn’t even read the draft of the justice reform at all.
Rama said that the success of the reform was due to his PS not getting involved in the justice system and leaving it to the internationals.
“The justice reform is successful because the largest political force in the country has put itself at internationals’ disposal. The EU and US’s support stems from the non-involvement of this force in justice matters.”
When asked about the paralysis in the justice system as a result of the reform, Rama once again indirectly put the responsibility on internationals:
“I will quote German Chancellor Merkel: It’s true that today Albania does not have a Constitutional Court but this is the result of the vetting, which the Albanian parliament and Albania’s partners have requested forcefully.”
The Prime Minister maintained that the current situation in the justice system is “temporary”. He then fiercely attacked judges and prosecutors by calling them “sludge”.
“Does the situation show a successful vetting or a failure? You can continue with the answer on your own. We’re doing the most unimaginable cleaning of all since we started the vetting. We’re cleaning the sludge that seemed like an eternal curse on this society. We’ve been talking for 30 years of the dirt, corruption, and now action is being taken against injustice, corruption of those who used to be the real untouchables and who had created a for-profit corporation.”