From: Exit Staff
Rama: Mass COVID-19 Vaccinations to Start in the Spring

Prime Minister Edi Rama announced that mass vaccination of the population against coronavirus is expected to begin in the spring months.

“We will have mass vaccination in March, April, May, June that will break the chain of infections and will make us free from the great burden of anxiety, insecurity, and concern for our beloved ones,” said Rama.

During his speech at an activity related to health, he said that “I expect very soon good news, not from heaven, nor from the impossible charity of the EU, but by persistence and unceasing commitment as a beggar”.

Several European countries such as Italy, Spain, Germany have not yet started mass vaccination of the population.

So far, 32,565 vaccines have arrived in the country. Meanwhile, vaccination of medical staff and elderly over the age of 80 has not yet been completed.

The Prime Minister has promised to bring 360 ,000 more vaccines from a friendly country, but there is no date confirmed.