Lately, Serbia’s nationalism has become stronger as a result of the influence of Russia. The situation in Kosovo almost deteriorated when the two sides collided over a train featuring the slogan “Kosovo is Serbia.” The train was completely in violation of the constitution and the sovereignty of Kosovo. Luckily, it turned back before it reached its goal.
The increased tensions and provocations of Belgrade have a clear purpose: egging on the separation of the north of Kosovo from the rest of the country.
Tomislav Nikolić, a nationalist and diabolical president, declared that it would send military troops if necessary. His action would have resulted in a new war between Kosovo and Serbia and would have violated the signed agreements between the two.
This increased in nationalism is not a coincidence. It is favored and supported by a Kremlin that aims to destabilize the Balkans, Kosovo, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
It seeks to repeat a situation similar to the Bosnian “Republika Srpska” in the north of Kosovo. Facts show that the presence of the Russian intelligence services in Serbia is extremely ubiquitous and visible. They have increased the number of agents and currently created a spy base in the south of Serbia with the purpose to monitor the activities in the West of the region, to destabilize it, to create political chaos and local conflicts, and to test, therefore, the resoluteness of the NATO, at the moment the region is fragile and the control of the West is weak.
While Brussels is silent, Belgrade is being further inspired to pursue its plans to annex the northern region of Kosovo and the attachment of the latter to Serbia. The arming of Serbs in the north of Kosovo is a clear indication of such destabilization. Meanwhile, the citizens of Kosovo who have rights and freedom inside the state of Kosovo should stay away from the plans designed by Belgrade. They must not participate in the nationalistic politics of Serbia but they must respect the laws of Kosovo. The international community must respond and act for Kosovo to reach a normal situation. Destabilization would affect the entire Balkans.
Without help from the West to strengthen the armies of Croatia and Albania, Serbia would be the dominant force in the region. Kosovo has not created its own army, yet. This would trigger Serbia’s diabolical games egged on by Russia. This is another reason to create an army in Kosovo, as it would be safer than today.
Belgrade should distance itself from provocations, games with intention of annexation, or personal political profits. President Donald Trump must take these events seriously. In his foreign politics agenda, he must keep the destabilization in the Balkans in check. The events in Bosnia and Herzegovina show the way Russian intelligent services protected the hidden Serbian maneuvers and implemented the “Srpska” plan. It should not come as a surprise that this could happen in the north of Kosovo too and despite the latest dialogues in Brussels, agreements have remained solely on paper.