Yesterday, the Albanian Parliamentary Assembly overturned President Ilir Meta’s two decrees regarding the controversial “anti-corruption” package and the property law.
President Meta recently returned both draft laws to Parliament. He said that the “anti-corruption” package violated the constitutional principle of the separation and balance of powers and human rights.
The law creates special police and intelligence unit that reports directly to the Prime Minister and has the power to arrest, detain, surveil, intercept communications, seize assets and restrict movement without the need for a court order. It will operate without supervision and critics say this leaves it open to political abuse.
President Meta said the Law on Property was also unconstitutional as it violates the principle of legal certainty, conflicts with several provisions of the constitution, and is not in line with the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court.
The law regulates and sets a deadline of 31 December 2028 for the completion of all property transition processes including the return of property and legalisation. The President said that the financial compensation of owners was not specified within this deadline.
The Assembly also approved by 94 votes in favor of the government’s decision to postpone the payment of rent for businesses and students for two months.
In a previous article, Exit argued that the government’s normative act to postpone the payment of rent is invalid and cannot be enforced. This for two reasons:
Firstly, because the Constitution does not allow the government to interfere in these private relations between citizens and even more so to restrict them. It also violates the obligation of the Lease Contract as detailed in the Civil Code.