The two main topics on the agenda of Day 1 of the OSCE Media Development Forum were the draft media...

The two main topics on the agenda of Day 1 of the OSCE Media Development Forum were the draft media...
There are currently 14,975 active cases of COVID-19 in Albania. The total number of identified and confirmed cases since the...
Eleven people – aged 51, 62, 62, 64, 65, 69, 71, 74, 75, 81, 81– infected with COVID-19 have died...
The oil workers of the Ballsh refinery will receive 40,000 ALL per month (EUR 360) payment each month for a...
So far, 38 Albanian journalists have been infected with COVID-19 during the ongoing pandemic. From this number, there have been...
The Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives, chaired by Congressman Eliot Engel, criticized the Hague- based Specialist...
Some media portals in Albania received threats and pressure not to join the countries first self-regulation platform, the Ethical Media...
The Minister of Interior, Sander Lleshaj stated that the government is doing its best not to use drug money by...
The Special Appeals Chamber (KPA) confirmed Prosecutor Elvin Gokaj in office on Wednesday, rejecting a complaint by the Public Commissioner...
Three Members of the European Parliament have asked the European Commission on the reasons why it has excluded one of...