An investigation launched into the wealth of prosecutor Ornela Rrumbullaku, who is responsible for some of the Durrës Prosecution Office’s...

An investigation launched into the wealth of prosecutor Ornela Rrumbullaku, who is responsible for some of the Durrës Prosecution Office’s...
Yesterday evening, the Electronic and Postal Communications Authority (AKEP) ordered Albanian Internet providers to block access to the satirical website...
The Durrës Prosecution Office has been robbed for the second time in a few days. Last night, unidentified persons have...
In the aftermath of the debate on "Rule of Law Reform in Albania and the Dutch/EU Contribution," several Albanian media...
On May 28, at 13:00, the Appeals Court will review the appeal of former Minister of Interior Affairs Saimir Tahiri...
Tirana’s historical identity will be lost, to be replaced, instead, by the personal aesthetic vision of Prime Minister Edi Rama....
For the first time since the beginning of the vetting, EU-funded justice assistance mission EURALIUS has given a timeframe for...
The lawlessness inside the Prosecution Office seems to increase with every day that Temporary General Prosecutor Arta Marku is in...
The Albanian Helsinki Committee (KShH) has publicly demanded that the Prosecution Office conduct a complete and independent investigation into the...
Agron Xhafaj is the brother of Minister of Interior Affairs Fatmir Xhafaj, who also served as Minister for Territorial Regulation...