Removing the kiosks from Parku Rinia was one of Edi Rama’s most praised achievements from his term as Tirana Mayor...

Removing the kiosks from Parku Rinia was one of Edi Rama’s most praised achievements from his term as Tirana Mayor...
Yesterday, the recycling plant “Everest,” owned by chair of the Society of Recyclers Vullnet Haka burned to the ground. The...
The US Department of State released its annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices. According to the Report on Albania,...
This weekend the US State Department released its 2017 Human Rights Report on Albania. Whereas the main Albanian media outlets...
Gunther Krichbaum, Chairman of the EU Affairs Commission in the German Bundestag, reignited debate in Tirana following his statement declaring...
US Ambassador Donald Lu asked former General Prosecutor Adriatik Llalla to stop a criminal investigation of Bankers Petroleum for an...
After failing two times to have a list of candidates for the Albanian European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in...
Two weeks ago, our media were shaken by the Freedom House report, which was interpreted as negative because it talked...
Last week it has been revealed that the company Alko Impex Construction shpk, owned by the nephew of Socialist MP...
In a decision announced today, the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) has dismissed Besa Nikëhasani, Prosecutor from Shkodra, on account of...