The Court of Tirana has exonerated former deputy Aqif Rakipi of all charges. Rakipi stood accused of vehicular manslaughter, as...

The Court of Tirana has exonerated former deputy Aqif Rakipi of all charges. Rakipi stood accused of vehicular manslaughter, as...
Former PDIU deputy Aqif Rakipi, whose mandate was revoked a few weeks ago by the Central Election Commission (KQZ) owing...
The Central Election Commission has today replaced deputies Aqif Rakipi (PDIU) and Gledion Rehovica (LSI) after previously revoking their mandates...
The Central Election Commission has decided with a unanimous vote of the members present in the meeting to revoke the mandates of...
The request of the Central Election Commission (KQZ) for extra materials from the Prosecution Office to decide whether or not...
The Central Election Committee (KQZ) has requested the Prosecution Office for more information regarding the past convictions in Italy of...
Aqif Rakipi (PDIU) and Gledion Rehovica (LSI), two deputies whose mandates the Prosecution Office recently requested to be revoked, have also...
As we reported earlier, the Prosecution Office has requested the revocation of the parliamentary mandate of deputies Aqif Rakipi (PDIU)...
The Prosecution Office has today requested the Central Election Committee (KQZ) to revoke the mandates of two deputies, Aqif Rakipi...
In a press statement the Democratic Party has asked the Prosecutor-General and the Speaker of Parliament to strip PDIU deputy...