Edi Rama

Renovated Pazar i Ri Opened

Renovated Pazar i Ri Opened

Even though most urban regeneration projects initiated by the government end up in destruction, corruption, and maladministration, that doesn't mean they...

Rama Nominates Four New Ministers

Rama Nominates Four New Ministers

Today Prime Minister Edi Rama nominated four new ministers, Fatmir Xhafaj, Olta Xhaçka, Eduart Shalsi, and Ogerta Manastirliu, in the...

Minister Tahiri Fired

Minister Tahiri Fired

Increasing international pressure on Prime Minister Edi Rama, echoing the loudly voiced concerns of the opposition, has led to the...

Rama and Basha on Education

Rama and Basha on Education

Yesterday, on March 7, at the 130th anniversary of the opening of the first Albanian school, Prime Minister Edi Rama...


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