Since January of this year, publications of leaked wiretaps, ongoing protests, tear gas, cancellations of elections, and threats to impeach...

On Wednesday, prosecutors Vladimir Mara and Dritan Prençi of the Serious Crimes Prosecution issued a gag order banning the media...

Wiretaps published by the German newspaper Bild give a dramatic picture of the close collaboration between the Mayor of Durres...

Yesterday, Albania’s united opposition presented their requirements for a transitional government, as well as the conditions they want to be...

The Albanian State Police launched a training for police officers on the upcoming June local elections. Head of State Police...

Two days ago, the Voice of America published a report by investigative journalist Klodiana Lala of BIRN on wiretaps exposing...

An EU-funded study by researchers from the Institute of Democracy "Societas Civilis" in Skopje under the Horizon 2020 project "Closing...

In the final report of its Observation Mission concerning the June 25 Parliamentary Elections, the OSCE-ODIHR criticizes the political developments that preceded the vote....

In the weak attempts at political discussions after the electoral trauma of the elections, there are several things, among the...

The General Prosecution has today stated an investigation into the 3,580 changes in the public administration during the electoral campaign...